
We surged up together in the basket

Shockingly fast – un unlikely quartet –

We two, your mother and your sister’s boy,

Sudden blasts of flames shooting us into the sky.

As we drifted uneasily above English shires

You took my hand and we stood side by side

Our silence punctuated by regular fiery jets,

We would marry in a year, but did not know it yet.

Our descent impeded, giant pylons in view

We banged down sideways, balloon spreading askew,

Instructed  to fall, big catching small, one upon the other,

Thus I fell on you and the boy on your mother.

Everything and nothing has changed since our ascending,

You are still by my side, always my soft landing.


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15 responses to “Up

  1. Oh, I love this. The last two lines are so wonderful, I felt quite emotional reading this. Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt x

  2. Oh this is so good. Love it!

  3. This is utterly beautiful. I loved the last two lines. It is so well-written Louise. Coming over from #PoCoLo x

  4. Love this, so beautifully written.

  5. How beautiful, I love a happy ending 🙂

    Thanks so much for linking up to #PoCoLo xx (Guest Co-hosting with Morgan)

  6. This is so sweet – thanks for sharing

  7. What a beautiful poem! Thanks so much for linking to #PoCoLo

  8. Hi Louise, how sweet. Soft landings are good, especially when things get a little rough.


  9. maddy@writingbubble

    This is gorgeous – so emotional and beautiful. I’ve always fancied going in a hot air balloon. xx

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